A friend of mine recommended Fiverr, an outsourcing provider that works with independent contractors. There are of course more platforms like this, but they all work very similar: You post a request of what you are looking for, name a budget, and contractors can provide an offer. You can then review all the offers and decide for one (or several) providers to go with. My first outsourced job was my first logo. I received approximately 30 offers, chose 1 provider, paid 5 US-Dollars and received 3 high-quality logos to select from. My friend was amazed where I got the logo from. When I shared where I got it and how little I paid, he almost freaked out because he just spent 3.000 Euros for his logo! What a price spread! Even if I had commissioned 10 providers at the same time, mine would have still been 6x cheaper! From that moment I outsource all my creative work to Fiverr. I asked someone to compose a jingle, got 2 more logos, outsourced extensive research tasks, got great proposals for book and course titles, 2 book covers and a PowerPoint template. Each of them for less than $30.

What to look out for when working with Fiverr?
As first step you create an account for free. Now you can post a request. You briefly describe what you are looking for, chose a the type of service you are looking for, your timeline and a budget. After posting your request, Fiverr will review your post. This can be seen as a quality gate and ensures that potential providers understand what you are looking for. If you have no idea which service type to choose, just go to the general navigation of Fiverr, which is organized by different service categories (e.g. “Graphics & Design” or “Music & Audio”). Each category has subsequent filters. For example, when you look for a logo, you go into “Graphics & Design”, “Logo Design” and then you can see additional options like style, included services or file formats. Instead of posting a request, you can also look for provider profiles and search for somebody that can provide the service you are looking for. This is a good approach if you have a request that is not time-sensitive.
You will receive offers after your request was published. I would recommend to wait one day to get several offers to compare. You won’t only get offers that match your budget, therefore take a little bit of time to compare. My three most important criteria for selecting a vendor are:
- How many positive ratings does the provider have? You don’t want to work with total beginners. Make sure that there are in best case several 100 or even 1000 ratings. Then you know that you are working with somebody that knows how to handle requests and asks the right questions. Also look at the details of the ratings. What exactly did the other buyers rate as positive or negative? What comments did they leave?
- Look at the style of the provider and review if the work results match your expectations and preferences. If you are looking for someone to design your business book cover, but you only see romantic, pink covers as previous work samples, this is probably not the right provider for you. Or if you want a nicely designed smooth logo, but the provider only showcases comic style logos, you may want to continue searching. You want a provider that matches your style. You can check their samples and previous works in their profile. If you don’t see many samples, you may want to pass on and look for somebody else.
- Another point I always have an eye on is the number of revisions. This is the amount of corrections that you can request without additional charges. If possible, you want to chose a provider that offers unlimited revisions.
For any other extras, e.g. commercial usage, source files, etc. make sure to check in the category itself which options are the most requested ones and select them appropriately.

With this, you are ready to go and use Fiverr for your best benefit. Try and test smaller work scopes first to become more familiar with this platform.
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